Info for Parents

Parent Information

This is your SURVIVAL GUIDE! Please refer to it if you have a question regarding our Year One procedures. If your question is not answered below, please do not hesitate to ask. 

Teacher supervision of the students begins at 8:15am. Your child should only arrive at school after this time so that they are not unsupervised. If your child needs to be dropped off early, please make a booking with the Outside School Hours Care team.

An assembly bell rings at 8.35am each morning and your child should line up with our class in the undercover area when this bell rings. They should not stay with a parent during this time. If you would like to walk your child up to the undercover area, please ensure you have said your goodbyes before they line up.

PARENTS/GUARDIANS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO WALK THEIR CHILD TO THE CLASSROOM UNLESS THEY SIGN IN AT THE OFFICE FIRST. If your child is experiencing difficulties saying goodbye, either myself or an administration representative will walk them to the classroom and settle them. This is an important transitional strategy so that your child does not expect you to walk them to the room each day. Additionally, I believe that it is important for Year Two children to carry their own bags/belongings to the classroom so that they learn the valuable skill of independence.

It is very important that your child arrives at school on-time so that they can hear any messages for the day and participate in our whole-school prayer time. Additionally, I arriving at school around 8.15-8.20am will give your child more opportunities to establish social links with their classmates before the bell rings. When a child is late it can affect their whole day. Every minute in our day counts. Please have your child at school on time each and every day.

Late Arrival
If your child arrives at school after 8.40am, please do not drop them off in the drop-off area. Students arriving after 8.40am should be signed in at the office by their parent/guardian. Please do not bring them directly to the classroom as our attendance rolls are marked electronically and you will be redirected to the office so that adjustments to the roll can be made and your child will be issued with a late slip to give to me.

It is also a legal requirement that any parent or helper must sign in at the office if they are on the school grounds between 8.40am and 2.55pm each day. This is to ensure that requirements relating to fire and safety are met.

Attendance is vital in your child’s education. Each day provides valuable learning experiences that can’t be missed! I understand that your child will occasionally be sick as well as have scheduled doctor’s appointments. After an absence of any kind, please send a note to school with your child (or email me) explaining the reason for the absence. Please include your child’s name and date of absence on the note.

Behaviour management is vital in establishing a positive classroom environment. I expect that each child is well-behaved and courteous! :)

Home Folders

 To help with organisation, children will take home a Home Folder each night.  These folders contain such things as notes, home readers and sight word booklets.  Children will need to establish the habit of returning the folder to school every day.  

Library Bags
In much the same way as our Home Folders, students MUST bring a library bag to protect borrowed books. We use a ‘No Bag, No Borrow’ policy.

Birthdays are a special time of the year for each child! If your child would like to share a small birthday treat with the class, please let me know. Knives are not kept in our classroom and so we are unable to cut individual servings of cake for the class. Please make sure you send individual-sized items.  Please do not send in iceblocks, as our school does not have the capacity to keep multiple boxes of iceblocks frozen.  Cupcakes, slice or cookies are ideal ways to share a birthday treat with the class.

We will have timetabled conferences at the completion of term two. If you would like to request a meeting with me other than the timetabled conference, please don’t hesitate to make an appointment with me via email or a note in your child’s Note Folder. Open communication is essential in the successful education of your child!

Homework will be issued each Friday and will be due on the following Friday. This allows busy families to have a weekend plus week nights to complete the homework. Throughout the year, homework is used to reinforce literacy and numeracy skills learned at school. It is expected that each child completes their homework each week. Please don’t be afraid to help your child with homework – it’s an excellent role-modelling opportunity!

Food choices impact heavily at school. What children eat will affect how they behave, how they perform at school and how they interact with others. Diet is important not only for physical health, but also for optimal mental development and functioning.

Please avoid sending foods that contain food additives. Remember that if it comes out of a box, it will have additives. I encourage all children to eat a selection of fresh fruit (not pre-packaged pretend ‘fruit') during the day. I also recommend a sandwich and fruit yoghurt. In most cases, children won’t need any more than the above items. You will receive additional information about lunchboxes in the coming weeks. The use of containers to store fruit, yoghurt and sandwiches is an excellent way to role-model environmentally friendly eating habits.

Please ensure that your child brings a drink bottle of water (NEVER cordial) to school every day. We have scheduled drink breaks during the day and access to a water bottle inside the room is much more time-efficient than using water fountains.

Please carefully consider the food that you order for your child from the school tuckshop as we aim to educate the children in making healthy choices in their lives.

For the safety of all students, there are rules and regulations regarding medicines. If your child requires medication, he/she will go to the office to have it administered. Parents must personally bring all medication to the office and fill out the appropriate medication form. Medications of any nature will not be accepted or administered in the classroom.

After School 
Please ensure you have informed your child as to where you will be picking them up from in the afternoon. If your routine changes, please let me know via email or a note in your child’s note folder so that I can remind them.

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